Annual Report- 2017

In many ways, 2017 was, to reference Charles Dickens classic “A Tale of Two Cities.” At the beginning of the year, we had sixty associates, a significant loss of Government revenue and sky rocketing health insurance costs. At the end of 2017, we had forty-nine associates, a fixed cost health insurance plan and significant cost savings implemented to be sure we could meet our mission. Between these two points, we experienced some very difficult times. In our sixty year history, we had never experienced quite as many challenging events. The good news is by the end of the year, we had made significant progress to right our fiscal ship.

I would like to thank our Board of Directors for their support and counsel during this very challenging time. Our staff who stayed focused on our mission. To our donors and groups who helped us by providing North Central Sight Services, Inc. with generous grants and United Way allocations we would not have been able to stay the course without your help.

Looking forward to 2018, we are very optimistic that the changes we have made and the service and business initiatives we have put in place will bear fruit.

Once again I want to acknowledge our board and associates or your unwavering commitment to our mission. I know that we have better times ahead of us.

Robert B. Garrett- President and Chief Executive Officer

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